Ted Maxwell, Vice-Chair
Term Expires ~ Jan 2027
Ted Maxwell joined the Southern Arizona Leadership Council (SALC) in April 2013. He assumed the role of President and Chief Executive Officer in July 2018. The nearly 140 CEOs, business, and community leaders of SALC are actively involved in creating a vibrant future for the Tucson region and state of Arizona by engaging the critical issues of education, infrastructure, healthcare, governance as well as economic growth and innovation.
Ted’s extensive leadership and command experience from nearly 34 years of military service have served him well in his role at SALC. Ted served 15 years in the active-duty Air Force and an additional 19 in the Arizona Air National Guard. Ted retired as a Major General in 2018. His final military position was as the Commander of the Arizona Air National Guard. In that role he oversaw and was responsible for over 2700 Airmen and the operations of units flying the F-16, the KC-135 and the MQ-9 aircraft supporting the Air Force at home and abroad. He has over 4300 flying hours predominantly in the F-16.
In 2021, Ted was appointed by Governor Ducey to represent Pima County on the Arizona State Transportation Board. In addition, he is currently serving on the Governor’s Water Augmentation, Innovation and Conservation Council.
Ted was a 1984 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy earning a Bachelor of Science. He received his Master of Business Administration from the University of Arizona in 2014. Ted currently is serving as the Chair of the Southern Arizona Defense Alliance. Additionally, he serves on the boards of the Arizona Bowl, the University of Arizona – Applied Research Corporation and the Air Force Museum Foundation as well as the Eller National Board of Advisors.