PUBLIC HEARINGS (meeting dates, agendas, presentations, minutes)

Public Hearing information, including agendas, presentations, and minutes, listed by meeting date. All documents are posted as they become available.

Queen Creek (BD 1)

Bullhead City (BD 6)

Board meeting and Public Hearing for Tentative 2026-2030 Five Year Program
public hearing (icon) represented by a calendar and people

Telephonic/Video Meeting

A Public Hearing will occur in conjunction with the Board Meeting. 

public hearing (icon) represented by a calendar and people
Meeting Agenda/Minutes: 

Town of Marana Council Chambers
11555 W. Civic Center Drive, Marana, AZ 85653

Notice of Public Hearings (2020) 

public hearing calendar icon

Notice of Public Hearings (2020)

Public Hearings are held with the object of reviewing programs related to the Five Year Program. Public meetings are held for the Board to receive and consider information or input from any interested person regarding the programs listed in the meeting notice.